Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. Start Living!

Are you interested in Essential Oils?  You've probably "heard" me talk about how much I love incorporating the use of therapeutic grade essential oils (EO) and aromatherapy into my work with animals (and humans).  They are a staple in my healing "toolkit." . Contrary to what some may believe, not all essential oil brands are created equal.  In fact, it is the discrepancy in quality that leads to some of the negative information about their use that we receive.   I will only use and trust Young Living Essential Oil's.  The degree of quality and "seed to seal" guarantee has earned my faith in them. I can literally "smell" and feel the difference between Young Living brand and "other" common store brands.  As with other types of healing modalities, it is important to understand and educate yourself in their use.  Learn what properties each EO has and how best to utilize that oil. Personally, I will not use, apply, diffuse, or ingest any brand other than Young Living. This is especially important if you have cats in your home, they are particularly sensitive to chemical influence.  It is of utmost importance that the EO's I use are safe as well as effective. I've witnessed the difference these oils have made, both physically as well as emotionally in whoever is being treated.

If you are interested, and/or have questions please feel free to contact me.


If you are not a member - please read on for important details about becoming a member. You will want to SAVE this message, or I can message it to you, for future reference.

Becoming a member of Young Living (YL) is pretty straight forward. There are 2 types of memberships described below. If you decide to become a Young Living member just go to my website, or Young Living's website, ,  and enter my member number, 1322730.

Most people are familiar with Costco or Sam's Clubs which are the largest two membership warehouse clubs in the world. Costco is the fifth largest general retailer in the United States. Like Costco, Young Living offers different levels of membership. The level with the most benefits is called Independent Distributor.

As a Distributor you will join a FANTASTIC Up/Down Line "Team." This will include a ton of educational materials, videos, information, and Facebook group.  It is literally an extensive resource for information and training, communication, and support.  I LOVE this team! There is always a ton of information to be shared (webinars, teleseminars, group posts, etc) and any questions answered expeditiously. We have quite a few phenomenal and knowledgeable members!

Here's a brief synopsis of the 2 different membership levels.


With this option, you will pay wholesale for all of your Young Living Products. Benefits include a 24% savings on all products. There is NO requirement to make a monthly purchase, but there is a one-time fee ($40.00) in order to setup the wholesale account. Please Note: Costco members have an annual fee - Young Living members have a one-time (no annual) fee.


With this option, you will pay full price for all Young Living Products - up to 35% more than Distributors. Benefits include FREE sign up, and there is NO requirement to distribute products OR make a monthly purchase. You will receive email announcements of company product specials including buy one – get one free opportunities.

If you are ready to become a member:

Email  me:
Online - You will need a Young Living Membership number and password to order online. If you don't have a number - you will be asked to become a member (select one of the 2 types described above) before you place an order. Go ahead and sign up online if you like. When you sign up, you will be asked for Enroller and Sponsor numbers. Just use mine! My number is 1322730 and I am always here to help you with any questions you may have.

For more information contact:
Inez Donmoyer
YL# 1322730

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